Prof. Madya Dr Nabsiah Abdul Wahid

The ETPIC programme was developed through the SMART Programme (Start Managing All Resources Today), a programme which covers on how to manage our resources, both natural and man-mad. The programme began with a focus on Water Resources Management and environment.

Participating agencies are Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD), Public Works Department (PWD), Mineral and Geoscience Department (MGD), Department of Environmental (DOE), University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), Universiti of Agriculture Malaysia (UPM), Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia (DID) and National Hydraulic Research Institute Malaysia (NAHRIM).


  1. A programme focuses on disseminating information on the role of Earth’s hydrological cycle and water resources with hand-on training through hydrology expedition and capacity building on general water education.
  2. To prepare programme tools for the comprehension of the fundamentals of water interactions within the environment, other disciplines of natural science and society, as well as the incorporation of real-water resources and environmental knowledge.
  3. To support capacity-building for integrated monitoring water quality variables necessary to achieve a proper understanding of water resources management.
  4. To develop an output relevant to human capacity-building by strengthening its results with training and awareness raising activities, thereby enabling the transfer of such knowledge both to water specialists and the general public.


  1. Hydrometeorological activities in Meteorology (MMD)
  2. The Hydrological Cycle and Hydrological activities (DID)
  3. Water Pollution (DOE)
  4. Water Treatment and Supply (MGD)
  5. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering (UTM)
  6. Water Quality (NAHRIM)
  7. Water and the Environment (UPM)

This programme was initiated in 1985 and continued to be carried out subsequently with great success. Feedback from the schools had indicated warm support and proved beneficial to the students in the course of their studies and future career.